Publications 1990 - 2010

38.  Flying Planes.  (1990)

39.  ETHICs in Action. Unpublished (1990)

40.  Can Organisations Afford Knowledge? Computer Supported Collaborative Work No. 1: 143-161 (1993)

41.  Getting the Design Job Done. Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol 3, nos 2 -4, (1993)

42.  No Likely Meeting of Minds. Unpublished (1993)

43.  Organisational Innovation and the Articulation of the Design Space. Human Computer Interaction (1993)

44.  Supporting the Design process within an Organisational Context. Proceedings of the Third Eurpean Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. 13 -17 Sept (1993). Milan Italy.

45.  The User as a Scenic Feature of the Design Space. Design Studies, vol 15, no 1 (1994)

46.  Welwyn Notebooks. Unpublished (1995)

47.  The Organisational Challenge to New Technology. Unpublished (1996)

48.  R&D as a Bazaar Economy. Unpublished (1997)

49.  Experience and Design. Unpublished. (1999)

50.  Epistemology: professional scepticism in G. Button (ed) Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences. CUP (1999), pp 51 – 76